Winners of the CCCS-ESS Essay Competition: “How should Competition and Consumer Protection rules evolve in the age of Artificial intelligence (“AI”)?”
5 February 2024 12:00:00 AM
School Category:
Third Prize Winner: (Joint Entry) Mr Brian Lee Ming Feng & Ms Gong Yizhen
Second Prize Winner: (Joint Entry) Mr Lukas Lim Kai Zhe & Ms Masuda Marsh Amy FelicityFirst Prize Winner: Mr Gan Wei Wen
Open Category:
Third Prize Winner: Mr Ng Zhong HanSecond Prize Winner: Ms Pang Cheng Kit, KitFirst Prize Winner: (Joint Entry) Ms Cheong Su-Ann & Mr Ian Wong Kai Jing
For more information, please refer to the QR code.
ESS Secretariat
Economic Society of Singapore
c/o Department of Economics
National University of Singapore
1 Arts Link
Singapore 117570